
1. Any letter or notes provided by your GP.

2. If it is an ACC claim bring any relevant paper work and your ACC number.

3. List of any medications.

4. Any relevant X Rays, blood test or investigation reports.

5. Any questions on paper you wish to ask/

6. The name of your insurance company.

No – but this is helpful and preferred because it provides the consultant with relevant background information on your condition.

No your surgery will be arranged by Christchurch Surgical Associates and they will supply you with any the information you need relating to your surgery.

This should be discussed with your surgeon during your consultation. Some medications eg warfarin or asprin, may need to be discontinued prior to your operation.

Christchurch Surgical Associates has contracts with Southern Cross Health Care and can arrange your surgery costs and billing directly with Southern Cross for certain procedures. Patients do not need to obtain prior approval for the surgery.

Yes we will happily provide an estimate of the costs of your medical treatment.

No – there is usually an account from your surgeon, one from your anaesthetist, and a hospital account.

ACC funds a contracted amount of surgery at each hospital per month. Christchurch Surgical Associates will apply to ACC on your behalf and if they approve your surgery you will be booked in at the earliest date possible at your preferred hospital.

Alternatives will need to be discussed with your surgeon.

Where to find us


146 Leinster Road, Merivale, Christchurch 8014


Monday – Friday:

Saturday – Sunday:
